SGS was founded in September of 1962
Our average student/teacher ratio is 8:1
Latin is taught from 5th through 8th grade, along with Spanish beginning in pre-K
Many of our students are eligible to become apart of the John Hopkins Talented Youth Program
More than half of our students qualify for National Junior Honor Society
We have a dedicated team of full-time and part-time teachers, the majority of whom have advanced degrees in their field.
Our average class has 12 students.
We believe every child is unique. Teachers take a child to heights they never dreamed possible.
We strive to instill in our students important traits needed to thrive in the 21st Century:
Honesty & Integrity
Creativity & Innovation
Commitment & Perseverance
Curiosity & Confidence
Our mission is to prepare our students for the future by providing a rigorous and dynamic academic curriculum and engendering strong moral character in every student.
President – Willard A. Anderson II (‘83)
First Vice President – Peter J. Maloy (’74)
Second Vice President – Grace Clark
Secretary – Sarah Newkirk
Elizabeth Bender
Michele Doolan
Samuel Greco
Michael Haddix
Lauren Hayes
Matthew Heerwagen (’88)
Jack E. Maloy, Jr. (’68)
Mary Murphy
Thomas D. O’Connor III (’99) – President of the Alumni Association
Michael Raymond (’02)
Thomas R. Tyrrell
Michael J. Uccellini (‘80)
Morgan W. Whalen
Kathryn Helm – Head of School *ex officio
John T. Biscone
Denis E. Chagnon, M.D.
Rhea P. Clark
Robert T. Cushing
Robert T. Giombetti, M.D.
Thomas D. O’Connor, Jr.
Brooks and Mary Barvoets
Ernest and Polly Barvoets
Edward and Betty B. Crummey
Dorothy Donovan Farrell
Peter & Agnes Kiernan
Ernst & Virginia Kopp
Frank Wells McCabe
Thomas and Nancy O’Connor
John and Doran Zimicki